
Cheryl & Son is a very small company.

When you work with Cheryl & Son, your working with the owner directly on every single painting project from start to finish. One point of contact for the whole project, ensuring you a smooth and personalized experience.

South Jersey Interior Painter - Photo of Owner of Cheryl & Son

Nicholas Nagle 

Owner / Operator

“I’m originally from Blackwood, New Jersey. Growing up, I was lucky enough to learn the craft of painting from my mom, Cheryl! 

As a second generation painter and business owner, I love that I get the opportunity to make interior living spaces beautiful as my family has for years. My favorite part of painting is the clients reaction when they see the project is complete and pristine! 

When I’m not at work, I spend my time with my Son Levi and my loving fiancĂ©e Katelyn.”

Delivering More than just painting

Personalize Experience

Every interior house painting project is different, that’s why we cater every project to your exact wants/needs. Bring us your problems and concerns and we’ll find a solution to ensure you have a positive painting experience. 

Attention to Detail

We’ll ask the right questions to provide you we a free detailed house painting proposal detailing every aspect of the project. Up until the project is complete, we’ll focus on all the tiny details that make a project successful. 


From start to finish, we are ready and willing to answer any questions, comments, or concerns you have about your project.

Follow us to see more South Jersey projects!

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